
Monday, January 6, 2014

So I was wrong...again

A couple months ago, I wrote a post that reflected on a year of cycling in Springfield. I then posted an update a few weeks later discussing my recent rash of flat tires. And now I'm going to add another addendum.

I was maybe a little harsh on the Ozark Greenways; insinuating that, however great they may be for recreational riders, they're pretty much useless for commuters. About two weeks after I posted that comment, I had a business lunch down on the south side of town - near Battlefield and Lone Pine. I loaded up and pedaled over to Fremont, which took me to the Mercy campus. I headed east on Seminole until I could hop on the Galloway Trail, which took me the rest of the way to Battlefield. At that point, I cut through a couple parking lots and arrived at my location. The ride was brisk, but I don't mind that a bit. And riding across town was a great break from sitting at my desk in the middle of a weekday.

The moral of the story is that I spoke way too soon about the Greenways' capacity for bicycle commuting. It's not like I'll be using that route every day, but I can't deny that my ride was a commuting-related activity. The Galloway Trail was a super handy way to get where I was going, and I hope that I can schedule another lunch down in that area so that I can make use of it again.

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