I walked out the front entrance at work yesterday ready to meet my coworkers at the pub for some happy hour drinks. I turned on my tunes, unlocked my bike, and threw on my helmet and gloves. I hopped on my bike, traveled a few short feet, and realized that I had a flat tire.
Luckily, I always carry a spare tube, a mini-pump, and a multi-tool. The pub was just a few blocks away, so I used the mini-pump to inflate the tire enough that I could make it up the hill. When I reached my destination, I went in, ordered a quart-size beer and then went and fetched my supplies and my rear wheel.
I sat down with my enormous beer and my task at hand, and went to work. It took about 10 minutes or so for me to remove the tire and tube, find and remove the source of the puncture, install a new tube, and replace the tire. A few minutes more and the tire was mostly reinflated using the mini-pump - good enough to get me home, anyways. I left the rear wheel in the corner by our table while we ate, drank, and chatted.
When it came time to depart, I paid my tab, said my goodbyes, grabbed my wheel, and left. Cinching the wheel back on my bike was a snap, and then I headed for home.
Easiest thing in the world.
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